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Renewable natural gas (RNG) or substitute natural gas (SNG) production is one of the most flexible approaches to decarbonise end demand such as residential heating and transportation systems.

由沼气产生的可再生天然气, 电力制气和生物质气化, 这是一种清洁、低碳的传统天然气替代品吗, 可以使用现有的网格基础设施进行传输和分发.

Wood’s VESTA catalytic methanation technology for natural gas production provides an efficient, 稳健和可行的系统,可以适应任何来源的合成气(如.g.(来自生物质或废物气化),包括CO2-rich gases typical for 沼气改造和电转气应用s based on green hydrogen and CO2 from other processes.


RNG is a -clean and excellent energy carrier that can be directly introduced into existing natural gas grids. The applications in the bio-based market sector include residential heating (including cooking), 热电联产和运输系统.

The biogas sector represents a production potential of renewable gas of 10 billion Nm3 到2030年,90%的生物甲烷来自农业基质,20%来自有机废物, 非生物源和气化). 生物甲烷的生产减少了温室气体的排放.

Renewable natural gas is expected to play a key role in the energy sector due to the easy connection of production plants to existing natural gas networks and the availability of mature technologies, 比如灶神星, 商业应用.


伍德开发了一种简单的甲烷化过程,称为VESTA, 由我们合作伙伴提供的高性能催化剂提供动力, 科莱恩.



VESTA enables the decarbonisation of natural gas production by exploiting renewable resources with three alternative process schemes to reduce dependency on fossil fuels and meet environmental targets:

1. 生物质气化

The first pathway to produce a clean gas by using unique plant configurations (depending on the selected gasification technology) with an impact on the downstream syngas compositions and, 随后, 关于清洁步骤.

2. 沼气升级

Biogas and renewable hydrogen to increase Natural Gas production and reduce CO2 emissions

3. 能源转化为天然气(可再生氢和二氧化碳)2-CO)

CO2-rich gas conversion to green natural gas by using renewable hydrogen and a subsequent drying section.

生物质气化 plants can be economically attractive with government incentives across various regions (for example the Advanced Biofuel Feedstock Incentives or Alternative Fuel Corridor (AFC) Grants and similar programmes in the UK and continental Europe), as well as in North America or alternatively as a route to integrate and utilise low grade heat.

沼气升级和电制气系统允许RNG的最广泛使用, 不仅用于发电,还为交通运输提供了另一种选择, 所有绿色经济体的工业和家庭能源需求.